Sava's Safe Haven , a shelter located in Galati, Romania, urged U…
French Bulldogs Animal welfare groups criticized the cruel selective b…
Police officers and animal activists from Vshine and Humane Society International in …
Cashmere garments are visually attractive and very soft, but they have the reputation …
Cut flowers are a decorative element of the first order in a room and can bring color …
Enter Milner and Joe Gomez Alexander-Arnold and Keita leave Enter J…
The Civil Guard has arrested a man, 50 years old, as the alleged perpetrator of the fa…
Enter Milner and Joe Gomez Alexander-Arnold and Keita leave Enter Joao Mário Sale …
Journalist Jon Sistiaga makes his literary debut with Purgatorio (Plaza & Janés), …
What does Netflix say about giving someone yo…