The population of bears in the Pyrenees reaches 70 individuals, the highest in almost a century


The population of bears

The bear population continues to consolidate little by little in the Pyrenees and currently reaches a figure of at least 70 individuals, according to the balance of the Cross-Border Monitoring Group of the Bear in the Pyrenees (GSTOP), which has just presented details of the actions carried out during 2021.

The GSTOP is made up of representatives of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda and the Body of Rural Agents of the Generalitat; of the Conselh Generau de Aran and the governments of Andorra and France, Aragon, Navarra.

"This figure [of 70 specimens] corresponds to the minimum number of bears detected in the year and is reviewed annually," detail the technicians of the monitoring group. The data obtained in the last year allow us to specify that the previous balances were 52 copies in 2018, 59 in 2019 and 68 in 2020; figures that vary slightly with respect to those offered immediately after closing each of the exercises.

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The population balance in 2021 indicates the presence of 34 females and 32 males (plus 4 specimens whose gender is not yet known). Of the 70 specimens, 36 are adults and 19 subadults and 15 cubs (of which, 6 females, 5 males and the 4 indicated to be identified).

The geographical area where the brown bear is present in the Pyrenees covers an area of ​​6,500 km2.


Regarding the number of births, a total of 15 new offspring have been registered in 2021, from eight different females. This is the second highest number of hatchlings recorded to date, after that of 2020. 

The females that have reproduced are known by the names of Caramelles (with 2 puppies), Caramellita (3), Sorita (3), Beret (1), Bulle (1), Reglisse (1), New18-04 (2) and New18-06 (2). The last five females have bred for the first time. And five males have had cubs, including the male Goiat, released in 2016.

Between 1996 and 2021, a total of 114 calves were born from 62 ventradas. 

Growth of the brown bear population in the Pyrenees.

Growth of the brown bear population in the Pyrenees.

As for specimens presumed dead or missing during 2021, the figure is nine. “In this casualty count, the specimens of which there is evidence of death or there has been no indication for two years are counted,” indicates the Generalitat.

Regarding the monitoring of the species in Catalonia and in the Vall d'Aran, during 2021 1,194 signs of bears have been collected. The most important data are the hair samples (462), the phototrap or phototrap (375) and the feces collected (124). There have also been 47 observations. A total of 2,979 signs or traces of this species have been detected throughout the Pyrenees in 2021.

In addition, more than 525 samples have been analyzed in the laboratories of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and in the French Antagène laboratory for genetic identification.

In Catalonia, 38 brown bear specimens have been detected in the Vall d'Aran, Pallars Sobirà and Alta Ribagorça counties. The female Caramelles with two pups of the year and the female Caramellita with three pups of the year were detected. Precisely this bear, of the three cubs she had, only one has survived, son of the male Goiat, who in 2021 has not been located in Catalonia. There is also evidence of the Bulle and Beret females with a calf of the year and a female with two puppies, not genetically identified, has been photographically detected. In addition, the presence of the Pelut and Sardo males in Alta Ribagorça is confirmed.

Thus, the final count of the Catalan and Aranese part is 23 adults, 6 subadults and 9 pups of the year, with 17 males and 19 females and 2 pups of sex that have not yet been determined.

Coordinated tracking of bears and wolves

The main objective of the LoupO project is to develop an integrated and standardized cross-border plan for the monitoring and tracking of bear and wolf populations in the Pyrenees and to create a common database between countries.

This project, which has a duration of 31 months, will end this May and allows population estimates to be made to optimize resources and adapt to the growing populations of both species. It also seeks how to promote the appearance of measures to improve the coexistence of the wolf and the bone in a territory marked by human activity, as highlighted by the Generalitat de Catalunya in an official note presenting the 2021 balance .

The LoupO project, with a total budget of 1,250,109 euros, is 65% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg VA Spain-France-Andorra Program.

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