The most physically attractive male birds do not always breed more successfully


attractive male birds

The physical characteristics and appearance of individuals are considered important elements in the evolution of many species. In various birds, for example, it is believed that the physically most attractive male specimens (showy or striking) are also those with a better physical and genetic condition, so it would be expected that they achieve greater reproductive success.

However, a study coordinated by CSIC researchers now highlights that, at least in the pied flycatcher ( Ficedula hypoleuca ), the physical attractiveness of males could lead to more disputes and, therefore, less time to dedicate to rearing offspring. .

The results of this research, published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology (March 16), suggest that in this species of birds, a lower coloration of the plumage could lead to a reproductive advantage, depending on the social context.

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"The development and maintenance of high-quality sexual ornaments is not an easy task for anyone," recalls the CSIC in an informative note on the results of this study. 

In many animals, such as birds, the colorful visual cues that indicate their level of attractiveness are expensive to produce and maintain. This is what happens to male pied flycatchers, a small migratory bird that signals its sexual attractiveness, as well as its social status, through the coloration of its back. This coloration can range from pale brown to the irresistible chestnut black of dominant males.

Female (right) & pied flycatchers
Female (right) & pied flycatchers

The authors of the study now being published suggest that displaying high attractiveness - with its attendant costs - may not always be beneficial in terms of offspring.

In a densely populated forest and crowded with competitors, having an irresistibly dark plumage that also highlights the dominant character, should be synonymous with success. On the other hand, the scientific study of the CSIC does not support this idea. This work analyzes annual data on breeding density and plumage color for about 2,000 males examined since 1984. Contrary to expectations, individuals with intermediate colorations turned out to be the most benefited in reproductive terms.

The high price of being attractive

This apparent contradiction could be due to the high price to be paid by individuals who show a sign of high sexual and social status. “The most attractive males enjoy better breeding territories or better females, but at the same time they are the center of attention, including those of their competitors. Defending their possessions can cause physical exhaustion that reduces the care of the chickens and compromises their survival”, explains Nacho Morales-Mata, researcher at the Doñana Biological Station (CSIC) and first author of the work. 

The higher spending on defense could ultimately favor males with intermediate coloration who, despite not having the best physique, could spend less time fighting and more time and energy raising more chicks, he says. the note released by the CSIC.

In conclusion, this study suggests that, "depending on the social context, it may be better to be a little less graceful, avoiding disputes with other males in order to have more time and energy to raise offspring."

Adult male pied flycatcher
Adult male pied flycatcher

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